
Not the wisest decision, but here's how it works

You can sell your KEEPER tokens at any time back to the protocol at PsP_s

Ps=Pb(1Premium)P_s = P_b*(1-Premium)

Premium=LCVTokenDebtRatio(TDR)Premium = LCV * Token Debt Ratio (TDR)

LCV=LiquidityControlVariableLCV = Liquidity Control Variable

TDR=Ns,t/NtTDR = N_{s,t}/N_t

Where Ns,tN_{s,t}= Number of additional tokens sold NtN_t = Number of tokens in circulation

You can observe here that when the net buying pressure is high, the premium for selling is low (becauseNtN_tincreases) and vice versa. The profit generated from this premium goes back to the staking pool and the DAO in the ratio 90:10 --> in essence, if you un-stake and sell, you'd be incentivizing the diamond handers handsomely.

The winning strategy therefore is to HODL your KEEPER token and only unstake it when returns from the treasury have been realized.

Last updated