Stakers of KEEPER tokens earn a constant linearly prorated APY of 15% + dynamic rebase rewards accrued from KEEPER selling. Notionally,
The minimum rate at which they will increase is - ((no. of days staked) / 365) * 15%
Mindlessly minting KEEPERs to maintain a high APY is not something we believe in.
Therefore, as the community decides to un-stake & sell KEEPER, the premium earned from selling is added to the current rebase rewards and distributed to the remaining diamond hands.
To keep the model simple, we’ve moved away from an intermediary token, and you can simply stake and unstake your KEEPER tokens as you please after you’ve purchased the KEEPERs. For the time that you KEEPER tokens are staked, they keep increasing in value as per the formula above on a daily basis. You can choose to unstake whenever you please.
Please note that the rebase is triggered every 24 hours, not 8. And as long as the price per KEEPER token*amount of tokens you hold > initial capital deposited, you’re in good hands.
Staking is the secondary value accrual mechanism here, the major gains for an investor comes from the appreciation of the SPV, which, well, require you to buy and HODL. You get it. :)
Last updated